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Guest posting and media placement services help anyone with a website or brand to get their content published on other websites for references with backlinks, which are the ultimate gateway to increased exposure and lead generation.

Authority references through media placements also help with ranking a website higher on Google and other search engines and many SEO experts have shown how guest posting helps them rank their websites higher, like top London SEO agency ClickDo, who have also published an in-depth guide about guest blogging.

How does Guest Posting with Media Placements work?

Search engines use backlinks to establish the quality of web content. When it comes to ranking higher in search engine results pages, the search engine mechanism lists websites and web pages or posts higher for a search term that authoritative websites have linked to as a reference to declare their trust.

Guest blogging and media placements enable you to take control of this process and generate backlinks on relevant websites that are of high quality and that you and your readers trust (as well as the search engines).

SEO expert Fernando Raymond and I discuss this topic in more depth in this video:

Why should you use Guest Posting & Media Placement Services?

You probably found this list post while searching via a search engine, and it ranks for the search term you have entered. You can check the backlinks with SEO tools such as Ahrefs, but when you set up a website with, you can connect your website and account with Clicky to see which of your content gets the most organic search traffic for which terms, indicating what ranks well.


  • To establish impactful web references

Strategic guest blogging helps you get referencing links and with a strategic approach, this can make a huge difference to your website’s performance. That is why guest posting with effective media placements matters and many SEO and marketing professionals look for guest posting opportunities in their or their client’s niches. I work with them daily to facilitate the most suitable media placements and I highlight how my collaborations and content help with the growth of the ClickDo websites I manage in this video:

  • To make your content reach further

The websites you find in this list offer guest publication and media placement options for anyone who pitches professionally written articles that offer relevant valuable insights and expert tips. However, it is important to get the pitch right and to choose the most suitable websites carefully to achieve the best outcomes with the guest blogging campaign.

The below guest posting websites list will guide you through the platforms where we at ClickDo offer our clients media placement opportunities in different formats. We have established strict guest posting rules and guidelines that are in line with search engine guidelines so only high-quality and relevant written content can get published here to ensure that these platforms are successful, attracting thousands of visitors monthly with a higher domain authority. Only then will our clients get an ROI back, so the content quality is key here.

  • To get published with the most effective Publications

We have seen many media platforms getting deindexed on Google due to publishing duplicate or poor-quality content or following black hat SEO techniques such as “link-sticking”. Nobody benefits from such practices and only informative and well-researched SEO-optimised content can win. So, we make sure that only suitable guest content that meets our guidelines will go live to benefit our readers and clients.

You can learn more about SEO content writing and blogging via courses for digital entrepreneurship (some are accessible for free via if you want to understand such dynamics better.

Choosing the media platforms that are most suitable for your content to be published is key when it comes to guest blogging. The below list will inform you about the ClickDo platforms where we offer guest publications. I have added the domain authority for your reference, but what really matters is relevancy and context. Often, these sites grow and gain higher authority over time, so it is worth getting published on as many as possible to extend your online reach in the future.

Disclaimer: The information shared in this post was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change. The list below has been arranged according to the domain authority of the media platforms from higher to lower.

Top 55 Guest Posting Platforms List for Media Placements

Top Business Magazines

Many are likely to blog about business-related topics, so we start off with a selection of high-quality business online magazines to get featured in, reaching a suitable audience.

1. ClickDo Blog



The ClickDo Blog stands out as a vital resource for digital marketers and entrepreneurs looking to expand their knowledge in SEO, digital marketing strategies, and online business development. The blog features in-depth articles, case studies, and expert tips that cover a broad spectrum of topics essential for online success. From the latest SEO techniques to effective content marketing strategies, the  ClickDo Blog provides readers with the insights they need to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

Domain Authority: 60

2. ClickDo Business News Blog



ClickDo’s Business News Blog covers everything to do with business. Whether it’s business finance, regulation, law, technology, or management – whatever you are a business expert in, you can share with this established business community.

Domain authority: 60

3. ClickDo Home Business Blog



Remote work and working from home have become the new normal, especially since the last Covid pandemic. The Home Business Blog therefore covers emerging trends, concepts, and news surrounding this growing topic and welcomes expert insights and opinions to share with the remote work community.

Domain authority: 60

4. ClickDo Internet Marketing Blog



This is the go-to blog for marketers to share their insights and news with the Internet marketing community. ClickDo’s business marketing tips are renowned and trusted, and getting published on the Internet Marketing Blog gives a massive credibility and SEO boost to your blog, website, or author profile online, so pitch your article to the team today.

Domain authority: 60

5. UK Business Blog



UK Business Blog is the leading business blogging site, that welcomes UK and general business news and insights. The guest posts will be carefully selected, and the professional editors can publish your blog with the perfect On-Page SEO techniques to rank higher.

Domain authority: 60

6. SeekaHost Blog



The SeekaHost Blog is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to enhance their web hosting, SEO, digital marketing, and blogging knowledge. The blog offers a wealth of information, including tutorials, tips, and expert advice aimed at helping both beginners and seasoned professionals succeed online. With a focus on providing actionable insights and practical strategies, SeekaHost Blog is an invaluable tool for improving your online presence and achieving your digital marketing goals.

Domain Authority: 55

7. eBusiness Blog



eBusiness Blog is a popular blogging site in the UK where you can find the latest news based on eBusiness, technology, cryptocurrency, finance, marketing, and other recent online business trends. The editors are eager to accept expert guest blogs and it is the finest platform to build backlinks.

Domain Authority: 50

8. Live Business Blog



Live Business Blog is a fine business platform that attracts readers with an interest in local and international business news. You can accordingly submit guest posts about your local business, or your international business expertise, and the editors will get it live for the growing audience to read.

Domain authority: 50

9. I Do Business Blog



If you are in the UK and looking to build backlinks with a highly authorised and professional business blog, then here is your secret tip. The I Do Business blog always welcomes quality guest posts and provides the backlinks requested. Whatever your blog may be about, if you convince the editors to publish it, it will be a step closer to being in the first position of search results pages.

Domain authority: 50

10. The Business View Blog



The Business View is one of the blogging sites that attains its top rankings by the perfect SEO content strategy. If you are looking to improve your ranking with the best backlinks, then you can submit your guest blogs to this site to get it live.

Domain authority: 45

11. UK Business Magazine



UK Business Magazine is a trending business website that can accept all UK-based business bloggers’ guest posts. Your blog can be based on business, technology, finance, lifestyle, cryptocurrency, or CBD once they accept your posts, then you don’t need to worry about the backlinks. The professionals are well-trained to rank your blog in the top position with the perfect On-Page SEO strategies.

Domain authority: 50

12. UK Business List Blog



Any business owner should feature their business on the UK Business List to gain an SEO boost to the root domain of their business website and also to make their brand known to a wider audience. On the directory’s blog, anyone can contribute business tips and insights that are relevant for the business audience in the UK to further boost their services and products.

Domain authority: 40

13. London Business News Blog



London Business News is one of the finest business blogging websites in the UK. Here you can find blogs and content related to business, education, entertainment, and especially the latest news and lifestyle trends in London. They appreciate insider guest blog pitches about any London and UK-related trending topics as well as entrepreneur interviews or Q&As and news releases.

Domain authority: 40

14. Fernando Raymond Business Blog



Fernando Raymond is a modern entrepreneur in London, who owns and manages ClickDo and SeekaHost with other experienced professionals. He always appreciates input from youngsters who are making money in their own way, and he also accepts guest posts on his blog website related to business or digital marketing. Once your content is approved and published, it will certainly achieve a higher position with the best SEO strategies.

Domain authority: 40

15. Manuela Willbold Blog



For anyone interested in blogging or digital marketing, Manuela Willbold’s blog is a goldmine of information. Manuela helps readers understand the difficulties of online marketing by sharing helpful tips, tutorials, and personal stories gleaned from her vast experience in the industry. Her site provides helpful tools and motivation to improve your digital marketing efforts and accomplish your objectives, whether you’re a blogger, small company owner, or marketing expert. See the blog of Manuela Willbold.

Domain Authority: 30

16. Businessmen’s Edition Blog



Business Men’s Edition is one of the trending business blog websites where you can find all the updates on business trends and technologies. If you wish to post your guest post here, pitch your topic idea first for approval by the editors as they will expect high-quality content.

Domain authority: 20

17. Biz Diggers Blog



If you dig biz news, then this website is for you. Any biz digger is welcome to present their business news here to inform other biz diggers about the latest business trends, developments, innovations, and progress. Entrepreneurs and business owners can also share their expertise and advice. Simply pitch your content ideas via the contact form and you’ll be featured in no time.

Domain authority: 20

18. The Business Research Hub Blog



The Business Research Hub aims to provide information about the latest business trends through studies, research and statistics that anyone can share with the editors as long as the sources are reliable. Guest bloggers can also comment or critique business research or findings and analyse them from their perspective. The platform serves as a ground for business exchanges and dialogues.

Domain authority: 20

19. The Internet Home Business Blog



With a growing internet business and home business industry, this internet home business blog platform serves to create more awareness about this emerging sector. Anyone working in this industry can discuss their insights and views on this blog and share their relevant content through guest posting. Simply get in touch with the editorial team and you’ll become an author here.

Domain authority: 20

Top Local/City News Magazines

For those who blog about more local UK and London or city niche topics, the following websites are most suitable for your guest content contributions in different niches.

20. UK News Blog



This British Trending News Magazine covers UK affairs and events, but it also offers opportunities for anyone to share their news through guest blogging. Press releases and interviews are also accepted formats on this website and as a platform, all submissions will serve the purpose of informing readers about timely matters in the news realm.

Domain authority: 60

21. UK Education Blog



Anyone keen on education news in the UK and beyond will find this expert platform useful to share their education insights, tips, and trends. Many teachers, educators, tutors, students, and other education experts have shared their knowledge via the UK Education Blog, where some trending articles have received thousands of views.

Domain authority: 60

22. UK Tech Blog



UK Tech Blog is one of the finest blogging sites that can accept guest posts on all business, finance, crypto, education, and tech-related topics. If you are looking to post your blog, then you can choose this site, which is one of the best tech blogging sites from ClickDo, a leading digital marketing agency in London.

Domain authority: 60

23. Yoda London Blog



If you are in London, and looking to post your London content, then you might consider YodaLondon. The blogging site consists of several blogs that are related to London City. You can share your London insights and tips to get your article up on this platform.

Domain authority: 30

24. London Local News Blog



London Local News is the best platform to know all the recent activities and trends in London. Your posts based on London City will be accepted here and the professionals are well-trained to make your blog look good and appear in the first position in SERPs. No matter your topic and content, if it is approved then your blog will attain its best position in a short time with the best backlinks.

Domain authority: 30

25. London Out Loud Blog



London Out Loud is the best London Lifestyle magazine to know about all the trends, events, and cultural developments in London. Whether you’re looking to share insights for a great night out or some ideas on leisure activities in London, you can pitch your London insider topics to the editors and you’re on your way to be featured here.

Domain authority: 24

26. UK Magz Blog



UK Magz is one of the up-and-coming lifestyle and tech magazines in the UK, that covers various topics like entertainment, home and living, marketing and much more. If your blog post is relevant for a UK audience, then you can get your pitch approved by the editors.

Domain authority: 20

27. London On Blog



London On is one of the finest blogging platforms for anything to do with London. Whether you are a London-based business, a London blogger or just simply a writer who has something to report about London and the UK, get in touch with the team to get your post live.

Domain authority: 20

28. Ohs Scotland Blog



Ohs Scotland is a UK and Scotland-related blogging site, where you can post your guest blogs based on business, lifestyle, finance, crypto, entertainment and other local news. Simply submit your article with your pitch and it will be up in no time.

Domain authority: 20

29. Government Online UK Blog



If you are a reader in the UK, then you might have come across this website. As the name suggests, this is not a government website, but you can get recent updates and news about the UK government. The Government Online UK accepts guest blogs but your content should be well-researched, informative, and relevant.

Domain authority: 20

30. She Loves London



She Loves London is a dynamic lifestyle blog that celebrates the vibrant culture, events, and unique experiences of living in London. From the latest food trends and hidden gems to comprehensive guides on navigating the city’s diverse neighbourhoods, the blog offers a wealth of information for both locals and visitors. Whether you’re looking for the best spots to eat, shop, or explore, She Loves London provides engaging content that captures the essence of London’s dynamic lifestyle.

Domain Authority: 10

Top Lifestyle & News Magazines

For those looking for more general news blogs or very niche blogs, this section will feature some suitable options for you.

31. Green Living Blog



The Green Living Blog has been established to create and spread awareness about environmental changes and issues. Any guest posts based on environmental, green, and sustainable aspects are welcome, and this blog is quickly growing to become an influential eco-magazine. You can get a solid backlink with relevant traffic for your blog and website.

Domain authority: 30

32. Murielles Garden Blog



For all nature lovers, the Murielles Garden environment blog offers a platform to exchange gardening, farming, home and living and environment insights, tips, and trends. Anyone who is into any of these topics can make a content contribution by pitching their ideas and suggestions for new stories to the editors via their contact form and the acceptance rate is high so don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Domain authority: 23

33. News of the Hour Blog



Are you looking to share general news or tips? Then you should start with guest blogging at the News of the Hour blog. It welcomes and accepts all kinds of guest post topics that are newsworthy as the main goal is to keep the readers well-informed and educated.

Domain authority: 20

34. The Greatest Blog



The Greatest Blog offers the perfect ground for all bloggers to come together to share their hot news, no matter what topic, trend, or news. It aims to provide a wide range of content to offer something for everyone out there and every taste. All it takes to get your article approved for publication here is to be creative, so go and contact the team right away!

Domain authority: 25

35. Blogrovr Blog



Blogrovr is a well-maintained website, where trending topics are posted regularly. The SEO experts will screen all the best ranking strategies and they are working smart to maintain their and their client’s reputation. You do not worry about the ranking and backlinks if your blog is published on this site.

Domain authority: 25

36. Leather Stops Blog



Leather Stops is a one-of-a-kind blogging site where you can find blogs about business, technology, and cryptocurrency updates and all trading strategies. If your blog is about trading, then you can easily get approved for guest blogging.

Domain authority: 25

37. Rings Around The World Blog



As the name suggests, the Rings Around the World blog covers any topic from anywhere around the globe. Your pitch should therefore not be hard, but smart and unique to draw in the attention of the editors. Get published here to increase your brand visibility.

Domain authority: 24

38. Lisa’s Bridal Wear Blog



Lisa’s Bridal Wear allows guest bloggers to share their own ideas on much more than just weddings. If you have any guest posts, contact the editors through the contact form and you will get a reply soon with a positive answer to get your guest post up.

Domain authority: 23

39. Waterski Skeggy Blog



Waterski Skeggy enjoys unique and trending content that attracts readers from all walks of life. If you are looking to post your guest blogs, then this is a good platform to start with. You can also follow their social media profiles and pages.

Domain authority: 22

40. Premier Rouge Ltd. Blog



Premier Rouge Ltd is one of the finest UK blogging sites that is eager to accept guest blogs and you can display your ideas in your content freely. The content should be submitted to be approved before publishing, but as it’s a general blog, any topic will work.

Domain authority: 22

41. The Widest Web Blog



The Widest Web attracts readers from all over the world because of its high quality and informative content about the World Wide Web. Many bloggers are also posting their guest blogs regularly to get organic traffic through backlinks as this platform provides a space for everything to do with the internet.

Domain authority: 20

42. Old Millhouse Inn Blog



Old Millhouse Inn is a general blogging website that will accept all guest blogs based on business, technology, health, startup tips, and even entertainment and lifestyle. Your content should be highly informative to get approved.

Domain authority: 20

43. BN Magazine Blog



If you are looking to post your content on a news magazine platform with good SEO strategies in place, then BN Magazine is for you. The experts in BN Magazine will review your content and optimise it for better ranking and they will publish your content with highly authorised backlinks.

Domain authority: 19

44. The Blogger’s Exchange Blog



As the name suggests, the blogger’s exchange platform serves to unite bloggers all over the world for networking, outreach, and collaboration. Apart from regular guest posting, bloggers are encouraged to share information about their businesses or opportunities so that the community can reach out to each other and work together. It should be utilised to bring bloggers together and provide many collaboration opportunities.

Domain authority: 19

45. Simon Caldwell Blog



Simon Caldwell is a personal blogging site covering various topics, so bloggers of all backgrounds can make a name for themselves here. They will only accept blog posts with perfect quality content that can be optimised for traffic growth so get your pitch right.

Domain authority: 18

46. Pitlane Vision Blog



Pitlane Vision is a general blogging site, where guest posts from all over the world covering various topics are accepted. No matter your news, if you have high-quality content then your blog will be published with the best SEO strategies.

Domain authority: 17

47. Open Stages Blog



Are you an entertainment or lifestyle blogger? Are you searching for the best blogging site to post your first content? Then Open Stages might be your best choice, as the editors encourage new and established bloggers to contribute to this open platform and they will optimise the content to improve your website traffic.

Domain authority: 16

48. MoodArt



MoodArt is a vibrant online space dedicated to the world of art, design, and photography. The blog showcases stunning visual content, including works from emerging and established artists, and offers insights into various creative processes and techniques. MoodArt is not just a platform for inspiration but also a community where artists and art enthusiasts can share their passion, learn from each other, and stay updated on the latest trends in the art world.

Domain Authority: 14

49. A Rush Blog



A Rush is a blogging website for all kinds of trending topics and you can find more business and tech-related niches here. It is important to optimise your blog with high-quality content to get approved.

Domain authority: 13

50. Guide to Rough Times Blog



As the name suggests, the first platform allows many users to post their blogs on the website if they share useful insights. The content published aims to help others going through rough times, so they named the site Guide to Rough Times. If you are planning to post an article based on your lifestyle insider tips, then you can pitch your ideas to this platform.

Domain authority: 13

51. Baby Gifts Blog



Baby Gifts is one the best platforms for guest posts especially about parenting or lifestyle topics. If you are a new blogger and wish to publish your lifestyle ideas, then this is the perfect website for you. Baby Gifts encourages bloggers to write about parenting, childhood, education, health and much more.

Domain authority: 13

52. Inside Cruise Blog



Inside Cruise is a lifestyle news blogging website that attracts more visitors each month with highly customised content. The editors will accept the content which is strong enough both technically and professionally and meets their requirements.

Domain authority: 12

53. Why Natural Health Blog



Anything to do with a healthy lifestyle can be covered on the Why Natural Health blog. This can include topics like dental health, wellness, entertainment, leisure, and much more as physical health is closely linked with mental health and overall happiness. Get your creative juices flowing and submit your masterpiece here to gain more exposure.

Domain authority: 10

54. WindSurfing Blog



Wind Surfing is a trending lifestyle blogging platform that helps many people post their ideas and experiences. They believe that guest blogging can encourage everyone to learn and write more about the trends and tips that improve their knowledge.

Domain authority: 10

55. Furniture Deal UK Blog



Home improvement, DIY, home and living and anything to do with home décor and interior and exterior design can be covered on the Furniture Deal UK blog. Even home office or co-living topics are suitable so if you enjoy writing about lifestyle tips for the home and living spaces then this is the right publication for you.

Domain authority: 10

Additional Media Partner Platforms for Media Placements

At ClickDo, we specialise in media placements and digital PR services tailored to enhance your brand’s online presence with our own platforms. However, we also partner with a variety of influential platforms that cater to different audiences and topics and we can arrange suitable publications here after a free client consultation:

High-Authority Partner Platforms:

  • Renowned for its in-depth articles on entrepreneurship, business management, and innovation, is a top-tier platform that significantly enhances your brand’s credibility and visibility.
  • Known globally for its comprehensive coverage of finance, industry, investing, and marketing, securing a spot on boosts your brand’s authority and reach.
  • Known for comprehensive business coverage, reaches over 3 million readers. We facilitate guest content approvals, ensuring your insights and expertise gain visibility among business professionals and beyond.
  • Featuring opinion pieces and global news, offers a platform to share revealing insights with hundreds of thousands of readers. We support your content to ensure it stands out and resonates effectively.
  • A hub for tech enthusiasts, provides a platform to reach hundreds of thousands of readers interested in technology across various sectors. We help your guest content shine amidst tech-focused discussions.
  • Market Business News: Focused on finance, tech, and science, Market Business News attracts nearly one million readers. We assist in crafting guest content that delivers your business message effectively to this engaged audience.
  • European Business Review: Targeting a European business audience, European Business Review provides a platform for relevant opinions and featured pieces. With our support, your curated content reaches thousands of European readers, enhancing your brand’s reach and influence.

Regional and Niche UK Partner Platforms:

  • The Exeter Daily: A trusted local news platform focusing on community news and events in Exeter. Ideal for businesses targeting a local audience.
  • The Devon Daily: Covers diverse topics from the Devon area, providing valuable exposure to a regional audience.
  • Lifestyle Daily: Offers a broad spectrum of lifestyle topics, perfect for brands in the lifestyle and consumer goods sectors.
  • London Loves Business: A business news platform dedicated to London’s vibrant business community, offering targeted reach to business professionals and entrepreneurs.
  • London Post: Provides news and updates about events and happenings in London, making it a great choice for brands looking to engage with a London-based audience.
  • Island Echo: Focuses on news and stories from the Isle of Wight, providing a niche audience with a strong community focus.
  • Prim Mart: A niche blog that offers tips and advice on crafts, home decor, and lifestyle, ideal for brands in the DIY and home improvement sectors.

Additional International Partner Platforms for Media Placements:

  • Under Construction Page: This Web Development & Business Blog features in-house experts and recognised guest authors who share what they have to say about WordPress, SEO, design, SaaS & business. – DR 60.
  • WP Reset: This WordPress Development & Plugin Business Blog features in-house experts and recognised guest authors who share what they have to say about WordPress, marketing, web design, SaaS & business. – DR 60.

Key Features of Our Guest Blogging & Media Placement Services

  • Content Creation: Our team of experienced writers can write high-quality, engaging content tailored to your industry and audience as well as to the publishing platform and its guidelines. Each article is crafted to provide value and establish your brand as an authority in your niche while targeting the platform’s unique audience. This is an option, if you don’t want to provide the content and we’ll consult you on the options we offer.
  • Targeted Outreach: We identify and reach out to high-authority publishers relevant to your industry. Our partnerships with influential bloggers and media platforms allow us to secure media placements that drive significant traffic to your site.
  • SEO Optimisation: All guest publications are optimised for search engines, incorporating relevant keywords and natural backlinks to improve your site’s SEO. This helps increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Brand Exposure: By publishing content on reputable sites, we enhance your brand’s visibility and credibility. This not only attracts more visitors to your site but also builds trust with your target audience.

Key Features of Our Digital PR Services

  • Media Outreach: We have established connections with journalists, editors, and influencers across various industries. Our team pitches your stories to relevant media outlets, ensuring your brand gets the coverage it deserves.
  • Press Releases: We craft compelling press releases that highlight your brand’s newsworthy achievements, product launches, and events. Our press releases are designed to capture the attention of media professionals and generate buzz around your brand.
  • Content Marketing: We develop and distribute high-quality content, such as articles, infographics, and videos, that showcase your brand’s expertise and thought leadership. This content is strategically placed on authoritative platforms to reach your target audience.
  • Reputation Management: We monitor and manage your online reputation, addressing any negative feedback or reviews promptly. Our proactive approach helps maintain a positive image of your brand and fosters trust with your audience.
  • Social Media Engagement: Our digital PR strategies include leveraging social media platforms to amplify your brand’s message. We create engaging social media campaigns that drive interaction and increase your brand’s visibility.
  • Analytics and Reporting: We track the performance of our PR campaigns using advanced analytics tools. You receive detailed reports on media coverage, audience engagement, and overall impact, enabling you to measure ROI and refine your PR strategy.

Our guest blogging and digital PR services connect your business with a variety of publication opportunities, from top-tier business magazines to niche blogs and regional platforms. Whether you’re looking to reach a broad audience or target specific demographics, we have the right channels and placement formats to amplify your voice and boost your online presence.

Media Placement Case Studies

Our tailored approach to guest posting and digital PR is designed to meet the unique needs of each business.

I have analysed some media placements on the London Business News Magazine to show the performance and benefits of the different publication formats offered.

Guest Post Case Study: Overcoming Jet Lag

  • Strategy: Crafting a guest post focusing on practical tips for overcoming jet lag when travelling between London and New York, targeting keywords like “how to overcome jet lag” and “travel from London to New York”.
  • Results: Achieved over 1,000 clicks and garnered more than 19,000 impressions on Google within a specified timeframe. The post secured high rankings for targeted keywords, driving substantial organic traffic to the client’s website.
  • Benefits: Significant increase in organic traffic directly attributed to the guest post. Enhanced SEO performance with improved visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Interview Case Study: Playdate App (Entrepreneur Interview)

  • Strategy: Featuring an in-depth interview with the founder of Playdate App in the magazine’s “Business Spotlight” section, strategically optimising content for the entrepreneur’s name and related brand keywords.
  • Results: Successfully ranked for targeted search terms, bolstering the app’s online presence and personal branding efforts. Increased visibility in relevant search results, contributing to heightened brand awareness.
  • Benefits: Improved search visibility and enhanced credibility in the industry. The interview served as a powerful tool for building trust and authority among the app’s target audience.

Social Media Case Study: BVS Mortgages Interview

  • Strategy: Amplifying interview content through strategic social media sharing, leveraging relevant hashtags and tags to maximise reach and engagement.
  • Results: Generated increased exposure through extensive network shares across social platforms. Boosted visibility and engagement metrics, expanding the brand’s digital footprint.
  • Benefits: Heightened brand recognition and increased traffic from social media channels. Enhanced online visibility among key stakeholders and potential customers.

Entrepreneur Story Case Study: Lucy Rout’s Tabuu Pill Cases

  • Strategy: Showcasing the entrepreneurial journey of Lucy Rout and her innovative Tabuu Pill Cases, focusing on narrative storytelling to captivate readers.
  • Results: Garnered over 3,000 impressions on Google within a three-month period. Achieved high rankings for keywords associated with Lucy Rout and her brand, driving significant organic traffic.
  • Benefits: Effectively introduced the Tabuu Pill Cases brand to a broader audience. Increased engagement and organic traffic, establishing a strong online presence for the entrepreneur.

Media Release Case Study: Shoorah Wellbeing App Launch

  • Strategy: Publishing an SEO-optimised press release announcing Shoorah Wellbeing App’s partnership with Seedrs for fundraising, strategically targeting relevant keywords and founder’s names.
  • Results: Achieved over 2,000 views in the first week of publication. Secured prominent rankings for keywords related to the app and its founders, generating immediate visibility and traffic.
  • Benefits: Immediate exposure and enhanced credibility through press coverage. Increased brand visibility and credibility among investors and potential users.

For more details on how we can tailor our services to your needs, check out our article on Online Media Placements for Business.

Make your Media Campaign a success with a tailored Approach

We understand it’s not easy to get published on media platforms to grow your brand. So we specialise in making outreach campaigns for unique media placements successful through SEO optimisation and tailored content.

At ClickDo we want all website owners to make their online presence a hit. We therefore offer support with guest post content creation, optimisation, pitching and publication to ensure the content is accepted and effective for the individual brand. Because at the end of the day, your guest blogging should benefit you as an entrepreneur or marketer, your website and your brand and for that customised content marketing strategies make all the difference.

Feel free to arrange a free consultation with me to discuss your custom media placement campaign for your brand.

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