Ich habe einige Möglichkeiten bereits behandelt und möchte in diesem Beitrag darauf aufmerksam machen, dass eine Webseite mit einer .de Domain eine gute Einnahmequelle darstellen kann.
Wenn du also am Überlegen bist, ob eine .de Domain für deine Webseite die richtige Wahl ist, um einen Webauftritt oder ein Onlineshop zu erstellen, dann lese weiter!
Höre dir erstmal die offensichtlichsten Vorteile einer .de Domain an.
Vorteile einer DE Domain Webseite
Ein deutschsprachiges Publikum wird einer Webseite mit einer .de Domain sofort vertrauen, da sie i. d. R. eine Organisation oder Firma repräsentiert, die auf dem deutschen Markt etabliert ist.
Die DE Domain eignet sich daher sehr gut für Websites oder Blogs, die das deutsche Publikum mit Informationen, Dienstleistungen oder Produkten und mehr ansprechen.
Eine Webseite mit einer .de Domain ist sicherlich auch attraktiv für alle, die ihre Geschäftstätigkeit auf den deutschsprachigen Markt ausdehnen wollen, zu dem auch Österreich und die Schweiz gehören.
Aber es gibt noch viel beeindruckendere Gründe und Motivationen mit einer DE Domain durchzustarten – lese weiter!
Wie erfolgreich sind die meistbesuchten Webseiten mit einer .de Domainregistrierung?
Welche Webseiten besuchst du mehrmals im Monat oder in der Woche?
Ich wette, es ist mindestens eine der hier aufgelisteten Webseiten darunter!
Basierend auf den aktuellsten Daten von SEMrush und Similarweb besuchen die meisten deutschsprachigen Internetnutzer die folgenden Webseiten am häufigsten:
amazon.de: Die größte Online-Handelsplattform der USA erfreut sich auch in Deutschland mit über 246 Millionen Besuchern im Monat größter Beliebtheit.
ebay.de: Ein weiterer beliebter US-Marktplatz für den Kauf und Verkauf von gebrauchten und neuen Waren mit über 123 Millionen Besuchern im Monat.
bild.de: Die meistgelesene Boulevardzeitung in Deutschland, die über 166 Millionen Besucher im Monat anzieht.
t-online.de: Nach wie vor der führende Internetanbieter mit einem Nachrichtenportal, das über 90 Millionen Besucher im Monat verbucht.
ebay-kleinanzeigen.de: Diese kostenlose Plattform für lokale Kleinanzeigen erhält Klicks von über 86 Millionen Besuchern im Monat.
spiegel.de: Das renommierte Nachrichtenmagazin, das über 66 Millionen Besucher im Monat erzielt.
web.de: Dieser beliebte E-Mail-Dienst-Anbieter mit Nachrichtenportal erreicht über 61 Millionen Besucher im Monat.
focus.de: Ein weiteres etabliertes Nachrichtenmagazin mit über 58 Millionen Lesern im Monat.
chip.de: Ein populäres Portal für Technik-News, Tests und Downloads mit über 54 Millionen Besuchern im Monat.
otto.de: Der große Online-Versandhändler für Mode, Möbel und mehr mit über 51 Millionen Besuchern im Monat.
Eine Webseite mit einer .de Domain kann also Millionen von Besuchern monatlich erzielen mit effektivem Marketing, Branding und natürlich einem einzigartigen Angebot, das jeder deutsche Internetnutzer immer wieder gerne in Anspruch nimmt.
Wenn du etwas Einzigartiges bieten und präsentieren willst, das Deutschland-Enthusiasten oder deutschsprachige Internetnutzer weltweit suchen, dann solltest du die .de Domain erwägen.
Deutschland bietet als viertgrößte Volkswirtschaft mit über 80 Millionen Einwohnern, von denen über 90% Internetnutzer sind, einen sehr attraktiven Markt.
Nicht überzeugt? Dann schau mal wieviel einige der beliebtesten Webseiten in Deutschland mit einer .de Domain so geschätzt einnehmen.
Wieviel Geld generieren die meistbesuchten DE Webseiten online?
Vorab ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass die Einnahmen der aufgeführten Webseiten von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängen, wie z.B. dem Geschäftsmodell, der Anzahl und Art der Werbeanzeigen, den Affiliate-Links, den Abonnements und den Verkäufen. Du kannst mehr über Monetarisierungsmethoden für WordPress Webseiten lernen, um die Materie vorab besser zu verstehen.
Laut dem Rechner-Tool Worth Of Web, das die Seitenaufrufe und die Umsätze berücksichtigt bei den folgenden aufgeführten Schätzungen, verdienen die meistbesuchten Webseiten mit der .de-Domain im Jahr 2023 ungefähr folgende Beträge pro Tag:
amazon.de: 1.281.000 Euro
ebay.de: 278.000 Euro
ebay-kleinanzeigen.de: 140.000 Euro
web.de: 97.000 Euro
spiegel.de: 85.000 Euro
Hier ist zu beachten, dass diese Werte nur grobe Annäherungen sind, da die tatsächlichen Einnahmen je nach Monat, Saison und Marktbedingungen stark schwanken können. Sie sollen eher eine Idee vermitteln, was das Potenzial einer Webseite im deutschen Markt angeht.
Im Vergleich mit der weltweit beliebtesten Webseitendomain, der .com Domain, stehen Webseiten mit einer .de Domain gut da.
Die größten und erfolgreichsten Webseiten wie google.com mit grob geschätzten jährlichen Umsätzen von etwa $147 – $181 Milliarden sind natürlich an der Spitze, aber im Vergleich mit amzon.de zum Beispiel, dessen geschätzter Jahresumsatz rund $169 Millionen beträgt, stellt der deutsche Markt sicherlich eine wichtige Einnahmequelle dar für alle globalen sowie lokalen Unternehmen.
Hochgerechnet hat web.de rund €35 Millionen im Jahr eingenommen, was sich für ein Unternehmen, das nur den deutschen Markt bedient, wirklich sehen lassen kann.
Auch hier gilt es zu berücksichtigen, dass diese Webseiten Geld durch verschiedene Quellen wie Werbung, Abonnements, Provisionen, Spenden und Verkäufe von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen generieren.
Jeder, der entsprechend eine Webseite mit einer DE Domain erstellen möchte, sollte diese Faktoren berücksichtigen, um mit diesem Webauftritt erfolgreich zu sein und ein Einkommen zu erzielen.
Ich empfehle daher, mit einer günstigen DE Domain durchzustarten, sowie mit preiswertem Webhosting, um hohe Kosten zu vermeiden, während die Webseite kein oder kaum ein Einkommen generiert, denn das braucht Zeit, Einsatz und vor allem Besucher, die Geld ausgeben.
Wie kann man eine DE Domain günstig registrieren und online Geld damit verdienen?
Der Webhost SeekaHost verkauft DE Domains zu einem niedrigeren Einstiegspreis an Neukunden, ohne später die Gebühren zu erhöhen oder zusätzliche Gebühren hinzuzufügen wie andere Hosts.
Mit SeekaHost.app kannst du einen günstigen .de Domainnamen für €4,99/Jahr kaufen und die Domain flexibel verlängern für nur €8.
Um die günstige DE Domain im Internet zugänglich zu machen, wird Webhosting benötigt. Ich habe hierüber bereits einen WordPress Hosting Vergleich veröffentlicht, der dir bei deiner Auswahl helfen sollte. Denn im SeekaPanel kannst du die neue .de Domain schnell und unkompliziert hosten in nur 5 Minuten wie ich hier erkläre:
Wenn das erledigt ist, geht es los mit der Erstellung, Positionierung und Vermarktung deiner Webseite. Denn du kannst nur online Geld verdienen mit einer Webseite, die von deinem Zielpublikum genutzt wird.
Wenn du Hilfe damit benötigst, kannst du unsere kostenlosen online Kurse nutzen wie den Blog Profits Blueprint Kurs, der auf die Monetarisierung eingeht. Wenn du deine .de Domain mit SeekaHost gekauft hast, kannst du alle Kurse bequem über das SeekaPanel ansehen.
Ich teile ebenso meine Tipps zum Bloggen und online Geld verdienen, um Anfänger zu inspirieren oder erfahrenere Blogger zu unterstützen, wenn sie online mehr Einkommen erzielen möchten. Denn es ist definitiv nicht einfach, aber wenn man es schafft, seine Webseite effektiv zu nutzen durch clevere Methoden wie Affiliate Marketing, maßgeschneiderte Werbung und gesponserte Inhalte oder um Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verkaufen, kann man gute Erträge erzielen.
Die oben genannten DE Domain Webseiten zeigen, dass im deutschen Markt hohe Einnahmen erzielt werden können. Dass diese Webseiten nun großen Unternehmen gehören, sollte dich nicht davon abhalten, an deinen eigenen Erfolg zu glauben, denn jeder muss irgendwo anfangen. Es wird geschätzt, dass rund 16 Millionen .de-Domains registriert sind, was zeigt, dass der deutsche online Markt beliebt jedoch auch umkämpft ist. Um hier Geld online verdienen zu können mit einer DE Webseite, solltest du über SEO Bescheid wissen, denn nur die Webseiten, die auf Suchmaschinen ganz oben gefunden werden, machen Umsatz
Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.
For copywriter cubs finding their way in an online jungle filled with competitors with fiercely ferocious appetites for digital notoriety, fear not!
In this post, I will guide you through the intricate ins and outs of resume or CV portfolio websites and how to not only create a copywriter website portfolio that brings pride to your profession. But also, how to formulate its highly optimisable appeal as a digital framework for imprinting the journey of your professional prowess much to the delight of prospective recruiters or online service seekers.
My copywriter website portfolio insights invite you to explore the purpose and value of resume portfolio and CV websites while shedding light on social media strategies you can adopt to vitalise your virtual visibility for eager online onlookers.
Are you a copywriter looking to build your online resume portfolio and CV website repertoire?
You’ve come to the right place!
From steps to purchasing an affordable website domain to helpful hints about sourcing an effective content management system to carry your portfolio website content for showcasing, my copywriter website portfolio tips are your go-to guide to online CV and portfolio perfection.
Furthermore, to help boost your online persona and optimise your marketability potential, I will share valuable resources and tactful SEO and digital PR tips you can use to improve platform performance for your copywriter website portfolio.
Traditional Portfolios/CVs & Their Digital Transition
As a direct result of the technological strides reached since the dawn of the digital revolution, the digital door to producing a prospective online persona through your online portfolio swings wide open to meet your professional objectives.
By identifying and isolating the key characteristics encompassing the general nature of traditional portfolios and their intended purpose, copywriters can swiftly accommodate the shift towards meeting the digitised demand for resume portfolios and CV websites.
What is an Online Portfolio or CV Website?
As a career-facing framework fashioned to support the contextual composition of a CV, a portfolio is a collection of information and material that gives visual examples of a person’s professional skills and experience through website links, illustrations, photographs, &/or videos as proof of their professional capabilities.
Generally giving employers an idea of the quality of a person’s work and interests, portfolios are a substantially effective means of showcasing someone’s professional abilities and skills rather than merely describing them.
As such, coining on their credibility, it’s common practice for experienced professionals and creatives to consistently keep their portfolios updated with the latest career-building exemplars of their skills and masterpieces, which is best done online via a website.
In contrast to the outdated hard-copy printed portfolios of the past, nowadays, professionals from across the board (i.e., copywriters, architects, photographers, artists, designers, developers, etc.) use online portfolios and CVs when digitally displaying their skills and proven experience.
In my case, you can often find new blog posts about new aspects of my work as an online media and PR strategist and content writer. This way I keep my readers and anyone potentially looking for my services up to date about my expertise, work projects, and knowledge.
Furthermore, in curbing their insatiable quench for first-hand exemplifications of your excellence, recruiters and corporate collaborators now place higher demands for resume portfolio websites as professional accompaniments to digital resumes.
The Significance of Digitising Your Traditional Portfolio or CV
Fine-tuned to appeal to your career-climbing potential in the field of copywriting, the intended purpose of resume portfolio and CV websites is to virtually eternalise your work accomplishments and develop your professional online persona in perfectly presented ways. As a result, to the delight of hiring managers, online visitors getting a glimpse at your copywriter website portfolio can join the technological trail tracing your masterful movements from the onset of your career journey.
According to statistical resume research findings from Careerbuilder, 16% of recruiters look for links to personal blogs, portfolios, or websites, making the online resume route more accommodating in meeting this digital demand.
Furthermore, with 71.6% of resume errors coming from the miscommunication of skills on a resume, having an online portfolio or CV in contrast to a traditional hard-copy variant allows you to make quick corrections to any oversights or errors on your site from the get-go.
The potential at this point for positioning you towards your next big gig or collaborative freelance project is more partial to your opting for an online portfolio platform over a more traditional version. This digital practice gives you swifter editorial control and more creative freedom for quick fixes and occasional updates, regardless of the modification scope.
5 Benefits of Creating a Resume Portfolio Website
The very nature of online portfolios and CVs and their prosperous professional positioning completely dispels the notion that they’re industry specific. Open to varying fields of networks and niches nowadays, resume portfolio websites have fast become exceedingly important in the ever-expanding corporate sector than ever before.
Using the potential to increase your visibility and online presence to your advantage, creating a copywriter portfolio or CV website will digitally showcase your work to captivate the interest of companies you’d like to work for, making accessibility for them quick and convenient.
1. Exemplifying the Experience and Skills Listed in your Digital Resume/CV:
As an authentically comprehensive and original reflection of your personality and creativity, an online portfolio digitally showcases individualised demonstrations of your copywriting consistency in different dynamic and impactful ways.
2. Freedom of Flexibility:
With just a simple click, creating an online portfolio or CV to showcase your copywriting material has never been this easy! Allowing you to quickly and conveniently carry out effortless edits and updates at any given time, having a digital portfolio as your online canvas also gives you the freedom to track your site visitors and views via popular web analytics tools like Google Analytics (which can be accessed via the SeekaPanel where I host my websites).
Furthermore, once you’ve settled on your chosen design, layout, and added copy, you can showcase visual representations of your proven talents through added media (i.e., images, videos, audio clips, graphs, etc.). While free to constantly create new content and include web link additions on your resume portfolio or CV website, you’re also at liberty to improve its multimedia elements to demonstrate the luminous leaps in your learning process. I recommend adding social media posts related to your work for example, but you can also link to clients for example, if they’re OK with that. This can help to drive direct traffic to your portfolio website.
3. Enshrining Your Evolving Professional Body of Work for Visitors to Track:
In contrast to traditional portfolios, digital portfolios offer more creative and innovative ways of instantly showcasing and sharing your unique brand, experience, and expertise with people situated anywhere in the world. Building a copywriter portfolio or CV website will plant a professionally polished seed rooted in sprouting your work history and tracking significant milestones achieved throughout your career.
4. Making First Impressions Count:
When wanting to assess the work you’ve accumulated, targeted companies or industry professionals of interest will more likely click on your portfolio or CV website link in your email signature or on your online resume. As such, when looking to make a lasting impression, it’s not too much of an ask to stunningly feature your work samples &/or links and recommendations in memorable ways to give you that extra edge over your copywriter competitors.
5. Facilitating the Optimisation of Your Visibility and Online Presence:
Covered later in greater detail, search engine optimisation (SEO) is an incrementally advantageous traffic-generating tactic for maximising online searchability and visibility. Adopting well-orchestrated SEO techniques and strategies can increase your online visibility and presence through web searches of your name or professional copywriting brand.
Ready to creatively conjure up an impressive online portfolio capable of taking your personalised professional persona to new heights?
Not so fast! Before setting up your professional copywriter portfolio or CV website, you must first carry out the delicate process of registering a domain in your brand name and selecting a website builder.
Top Tips For Registering a Portfolio or CV Website Domain
A domain name is an address visitors type into their browser address bar to arrive at your website. To make it a lot easier for recruiters to find you, registering a domain name ensures that you reap the benefits of having a professional online presence.
Depending on the chosen domain name extension, HostGator ranges the price of an average domain name between $10-$12 and SeekaHost offers the most popular .com domain extension, which I have chosen for a more international reach, starting from $5.99.
Although there’s always the option of choosing a free domain for your digital CV or portfolio, most professionals prefer to purchase theirs with a trusted registrar to ensure the domain name is registered in their name and can be extended whenever required.
Five Factors to consider before buying your Portfolio or CV Website Domain
Before buying your domain, keep these five core factors in mind:
Carefully Assess Your Domain Structure: Consisting of a prefix (https), a subdomain (www), the website’s name, and an extension (.com, .org, .net, etc.), the structure of your chosen domain name is critical, as it needs to look and sound good. Always make sure you choose the one that best fits your professional persona.
Apply the KISS Rule of Thumb: Ideally, domain names are short, memorable, and easily spelled. So, in the politest way possible, “Keep It Simple, S”
Keyword Quintessentials: With your shortlist of possible domain names jotted down for you to consider when researching their availability online, always try incorporating consequential keywords in your copywriter brand and domain name for better search engine rankings.
Dire Domain Name Don’ts: As it is, unmemorable underscores used in social media handles are hard enough to recall, and the same principle applies to domain names. So, to effectively manage the recollections of your virtual visitors, by any means necessary, avoid using unusual symbols or hyphens that can easily be incorrectly spelled and fly over someone’s head, as this will limit your domain name searchability potential.
Pay Extra Attention to Your Extension: Ensure that you put considerable thought into your domain name extension, keeping factors like your copywriting brand, purpose/function, and geographical location (i.e., .co.uk for the United Kingdom) top of mind.
Ready to purchase a domain name for your copywriter website portfolio-in-process?
ICANN is a non-profit organisation that oversees the entire system of domain names, allowing outside companies known as domain registrars (i.e., GoDaddy, Bluehost, SeekaHost, and Domain.com) to
sell and manage domain names. Once you’ve decided on your chosen domain name, you can undergo standard purchasing protocols facilitated via correspondence with the domain registrar of your choosing.
No matter which domain you end up choosing (.uk, .co.uk, .com, or .net), finding these domains with SeekaHost is fast, easy, and affordable. In Britain, you will only have to invest roughly £4, making SeekaHost’s online offering one of the most cost-effective prices across the UK.
To register your chosen domain name, ICANN requires your contact information, including your name, phone number, physical address, and email address. Having purchased and registered the available domain name of your choosing, you’re now one step closer to crafting the copywriter portfolio or CV of your career dreams.
With a popular content management system (CMS) like WordPress and its quick one-click installer ready to host your professional resume portfolio or CV website, the digital journey to creating your bespoke site has just begun.
How to Create a Resume Portfolio Website With WordPress
An optimal online force to be reckoned with, WordPress has been revered as the fastest-growing CMS platform since 2012.
Holding a majority share in the market, WordPress has substantial stature as a widely-used CMS tool, with various WordPress facts and stats accrediting the popular web hosting platform for powering 64.1% of all sites that use a CMS.
Vital to the success of your professional copywriting platform, following crucial steps to hosting a domain name and creating a WordPress website will jumpstart your journey towards developing an optimisable resume portfolio or CV website of premium quality.
The video below demonstrates just how quick and easy it is to add your domain name to your WordPress hosting via SeekaHost’s WordPress Control Panel:
Selecting an appropriate WordPress theme is also a key component to effectively encapsulating the visually exquisite appeal of your unique copywriter brand via your copywriter website portfolio.
Below are examples of some of the most popular WordPress themes out there today:
When it comes to the necessary copywriting material intended for inclusion on your resume portfolio or CV website, charismatic content plays a crucial part in pairing the principles of your online professional persona with your desired project outcomes.
Why Resume Portfolio Website Content is King
Are you a copywriter with specialised services for companies operating in niche-specific sectors?
Well, you’ll be thrilled to know that you can tailor your copywriter website portfolio content accordingly to meet the interests of potential companies of interest in fields best aligned with your specialised skillset and services.
There are plenty of industry-specific fields with a high demand for copywriters to break into with countless more for you to mirror by modifying your portfolio website content, accordingly, offering your specialised services to targeted company niches of interest.
Do you have active social media accounts with a fair number of followers already viewing your content?
Then why not take your copywriter website portfolio content to the next level of online notoriety by sharing it on your socials to maximise your reach?
Here’s how …
Social Media & Your Copywriter Website Portfolio: A Synchronised Recipe for Success
American businessman Warren Buffet, aka one of the most successful investors in the world, couldn’t have phrased his famously impactful quote any better when he said:
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Building a social media following reinforces your online reputation and can influence the social media marketing strategy for your digital copywriting material in substantially expansive ways.
Social media provides a plethora of possibilities in the realm of online networking. Giving you access to key decision-makers and professional peers, most of whom are contactable via popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, social media provides a platform to help expand your resume portfolio website’s reach.
As such, it’s always best to keep a squeaky-clean online image, always remembering to present an admirable, wholesome, and respectable digital persona reflective of your core values and passion for your copywriting craft.
Social media cannot merely open many windows of opportunity for your career in copywriting. It also allows you to establish and build a professional rapport with people of interest in personable ways. So, wherever possible, always keep your online portfolio content circulating on your socials, especially if you’re no stranger to constant content updates made to your online portfolio.
Now, with your copywriter portfolio or CV website content in full swing on your socials, it’s time to level up your site’s searchability potential through tactful SEO strategies you can quickly adapt to meet your digital PR objectives.
How to Improve Your Resume Portfolio Website’s Performance with SEO
As an online marketing approach used to garner online awareness towards a targeted audience, the prospective principles of digital public relations (digital PR) are not to be overlooked when illuminating your online notoriety agenda.
Digital PR is valuable because it introduces your digital portfolio material to an array of new target audiences via search engine results pages and advertorial placements featured on popular sites relating to your specific copywriting niche.
With modern-day digital PR introducing various methods for measuring site metrics, optimising online searchability for your resume portfolio website has never been this pivotal. So be sure to get your head in the game by learning specialised SEO techniques to drive traffic and measure conversion to your site. SeekaHost University offers you an e-learning platform for honing your digital marketing skills, which will come in handy as you begin to set sail on your site’s SEO success.
To get your creative juices flowing to inspire how you digitally showcase your way with words, I’ve compiled a list of five top-tier digital portfolio or CV websites you can use as proven examples of online excellence.
Hopefully, these examples will help unleash your professional potential when incorporating various elements showcasing your unique style and innovative aesthetic in your copywriter website portfolio.
5 Effective Copywriter Website Portfolio Examples
Given the massive scope of masterful copywriting masterpieces circulating cyberspace, several excellently executed copywriting portfolio examples exist today. Trust me when I say that narrowing down the extensive list to reach my top five copywriter website portfolios was no easy feat.
Basing my selection on a set of criteria involving design, layout, copy material, added media, information accessibility, A-grade client history, optimised searchability, user-friendliness, and navigational ease of effort, below are five exquisite and somewhat unusual examples of prolific online copywriter portfolios to inspire you:
In his digital portfolio homepage, Jose takes both simple and straightforward to the extremes. Jose has the comedic copy to thank, which makes it work.
Jose’s digital portfolio illustrates his personable appeal through the subtle slapstick undertones written in bold white letters against a black background on his homepage. Accompanied by a “scroll down to see blood, sweat and tears” call-to-action accompanied by a sarcastically written button prank featured at the bottom of the page.
Who wouldn’t feel compelled to scroll down further with an icebreaker like that?
Giving visitors some time to digest his opening statement, they later get to visually discover the wonders of Jose’s work via the eye-catching colors and animated plates featured further down in his digital portfolio.
In contrast to the above example, the copywriter has adopted a different homepage strategy altogether. Rather than showcasing glimpses of his works, Dan shares some personal notes, messages, quotes, and photos in a chaotically cluttered fashion all around the page.
Generally, because of the great sense of humor shared amongst most copywriters, this comical display appeals to the inwardly “all over the place” nature of copywriters and their craft. What’s appealing about Dan’s homepage is that it also speaks to an expanded spectrum of online visitors who can relate to the organised messes we experience from time to time, having the potential to catch the gaze of new prospective clientele.
Perfectly categorising his many projects through the prominent world-class client titles listed on his sidebar, it’s instantly clear that Dan is the real deal. If visitors aren’t convinced, his featured collaborative commercial work with famed Hollywood actor Ben Affleck should do just the trick.
Maneuvering slightly away from merit, nowadays, people prefer to choose everything based on recommendations, which must be the central motivating factor for Aly’s digital copywriter portfolio.
As you land on the homepage, you discover a list of newspapers and websites Aly writes for, including big-time businesses like Forbes and Yahoo! the minimalistic design and color scheme also adds a nice touch to the straightforward structure of Aly’s site.
Digital nomad Davina Van Buren is more than a traveling freelancer. She is a Journalist, Content Marketing Strategist, and Brand Development Partner – you go, girl!
Each of Davina’s occupations has a separate page with links to samples of her work.
There is also an impressive list of clients represented by company logos featured further down on her homepage. The white, grey, and teal accents also support the professional prestige of her online portfolio, adding to the polished look of Davina’s site.
For my online portfolio, I chose the WordPress Theme Divi that I had customized with a visually user-friendly interactive layout fine-tuned for simplistic scrolling, making the platform easy on the eye for any visitor to quickly navigate.
The compassionable photo in the header and the concise opening statement draws visitors in and gives way to seamless scrolling, directing them to their preferred section of interest.
I present my work with written and visual content and provide links to my work sources so that visitors can explore it all with one click. Additionally, I provide pages that showcase more information about the services I offer. At the tail-end of my online portfolio website, where I’ve shared my contact form, I demonstrate a fundamental factor that converts visitors into customers.
There’s no point in having a stunning copywriter website portfolio if there’s no way of contacting you. So, detail your contact information and add CTAs to encourage visitors to get in touch with you and build a relationship.
Transitioning from putting together traditional portfolios, nowadays considered an obsolete professional practice, the digital dawning of online portfolios has taken the world of project procurement to soaringly new heights.
Copywriter portfolio and CV websites demonstrate your personality, ingenuity, creativity, brevity, and literacy and can propel your copywriting career status toward colossal online credibility, much like the examples presented above.
Copywriter website portfolios are precious pieces of marketing material in the digital PR landscape and in themselves are a reflection of your copywriter’s work. A copywriter portfolio or CV website detailing your talents and services is a vital prerequisite for gaining trust and creating long-term value by gradually building your online reputation and brand over time, ultimately paving the way for you to land your next big copywriting gig and establishing yourself as an expert in your field.
It’s now easier than ever to find an affordable website domain and web hosting accompanied by reliable marketing resources and helpful WordPress tutorials with SeekaHost and other providers. Through this process, you can quickly and openly distribute content on social media, optimise your site using strategic SEO tactics to increase web traffic, and expand your professional network pool to ensure your career’s longevity.
If you require any further support with your copywriter portfolio or CV website, get in touch with me and I’ll be more than happy to help.
Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Education, Business & Lifestyle Blogs in the United Kingdom & Germany | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism and Course Instructor at the SeekaHost University.