Best 5 SEO Copywriting Success Factors Every Content Writer Needs To Rank

Best 5 SEO Copywriting Success Factors Every Content Writer Needs To Rank

Writing effective copy for your website is tough.

It’s even tougher to write content that gets recognized by search engines, captivates your audience, and increases conversions organically.

It is more vital than ever before to know how to write content that ranks high, gets clicks, and improves sales.

The goal of SEO copywriting is to drive traffic and attention to a blog or business website. But this is not straight forward and requires many steps and skills.

At SeekaHost University I teach some of the aspects I cover in this article in my SEO content writing course, so if you want to know more you should check it out.

Let’s take a look at the most important elements that attract your audience, increase traffic, and boost conversions.

1. Write For Human Readers, Optimize For Bots

As an SEO copywriter, the most basic rule you must always apply is to create content for humans before optimizing for robots.

Write For Human Readers, Optimize For Bots - Best 5 SEO Copywriting Success Factors Every Content Writer Needs To RankTime and again, SEO copywriters, marketing specialists, and decision-makers think of controlling the entire process and try to influence algorithms. But the aim of great content should be to benefit and engage readers, as audiences make purchases, search engines don’t.

The key to creating outstanding content is to consider the content consumption and interests of your readership.

This includes the 5 Ws of writing – who, what, when, where, and why.

Who identifies the demographic factors such as age, gender, education level, income level, marital status, occupation of people searching your content.

What type of content are they searching for, their precise question(s), what’s their requirement, what’s their objective?

When does the search for content take place dives into seasonal SEO (air conditioners during summers or chocolates during Valentine’s Day)?

Where are they, not only geographically, but are they accessing content on the move, are they interacting with your content on mobile devices, etc.

Why answers the user intent, why people are searching for your content, why they need your services or solutions.

You need to research all of these five components with SEO tools to optimize your content, and you will achieve this by being attentive towards your potential readers and customers. By creating that valuable content with the help of SEO you will also optimize your content for robots crawling your posts or pages.

2. Related Terms – LSI, Synonyms and Keyword Variations Matter

Using related terms in your content is one of the ways that you could create content that triggers a surge in qualified leads, and expands your sales.Related Terms – LSI, Synonyms and Keyword Variations Matter - Best 5 SEO Copywriting Success Factors Every Content Writer Needs To Rank

Algorithms over the years have advanced, so, to get your content to rank higher in search engines, you can use LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords.

Use LSI keywords and keyword variations throughout your content to achieve a far-reaching footprint. This also encourages search engines to recognize you as the trusted destination for the solution you are promoting with your content.

Having a larger and deeper keyword footprint will enable you to gain a profound association with your prospective clientele. Give this a try yourself by using LSIGraph!

3. Length And Quality – Elaborate To Get Ranked

Have you considered the role length and quality play in your content?

To get listed in the top search results page of a search engine, you need to generate content regularly that’s beneficial and serves a purpose for your customers, but it also must be in-depth.

The lengthier your content, the higher are your chances of ranking. Lengthy content offers you as a content writer a larger ground to operate with and create content that includes LSI keywords, keyword variation, and addresses questions in depth.

To incorporate this strategy, expand on what your customer’s needs and questions are, what they are looking for, what their issues are, and how your content can address their demands.

Providing value and vision will naturally create lengthier content, and consequently, achieve better rankings by covering more relevant keywords and search terms.

You can see how we as SEO experts at ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost University go about that in some of our case studies:

4. Long-Tail Keywords – Extend to Win

The online competition is getting fierce increasingly, whether it’s giant or niche businesses trying to capture and monopolize your industry.Long-Tail Keywords – Extend to Win - Best 5 SEO Copywriting Success Factors Every Content Writer Needs To Rank

The optimum content optimization method to expand is by incorporating long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords face lower challenges as compared to short-tail keywords when it comes to rank difficulty (RD), as a result, they are easier to rank.

Even if the search volume is lower, by applying the long-tail keywords approach, your content will compete with less competitive content and you can gain qualified leads. Long-tail keywords are easier to rank and bring in high-quality traffic as they are more specific in answering the who, what, when, where, and why questions of your consumer.

You can see how I use long-tail keywords in blog posts successfully to drive more traffic to a client’s website:

Together with my team at ClickDo Ltd. I researched and found the long-tail keyword “how much does Invisalign cost” and because the orthodontist client offered this treatment we composed an article about it, adding this and other related short and long-tail keywords to the headings and main body text.

You can see that the monthly page visits to this blog post grew by over 22,000+ within six months. Clearly, this is a very effective method.

5. Answer Questions – Answers are Key

People make countless queries on search engines every single day.

It’s your responsibility as an SEO copywriter to research and answer your target audience’s questions, so they understand your solution better and are persuaded to use it.Answer Questions – Answers are Key

Work with exact match keywords and users’ questions in your H2, H3 headings, or content that will allow search engines to recognize your text as highly beneficial to your audience’s needs.

By using an exact match, you are incorporating questions that customers are asking, and through your content, you are providing valuable answers, leading to higher ranks of articles or pages. The easiest form of doing that is by adding FAQs to your text. You can use the Answer The Public keyword tool to get started or you can watch how we at ClickDo Ltd. go about keyword searches in our SeekaHost University courses.

These were some actionable tips for great SEO copywriting that you can use immediately.

Now I’ve got a challenge for you: Pick one of your most popular pages or articles and optimize it by applying these SEO copywriting tips to see the difference yourself. Share your outcomes in our blogging demystified FB group or get in touch with me if you need some support.

11 Home Business Ideas For Freelance Copywriters For An Extra Income

11 Home Business Ideas For Freelance Copywriters For An Extra Income

Do you usually get judgemental looks saying you work as a freelance copywriter or are striving to become one?

Or do you yourself have doubts about becoming a freelance content writer?

Then here’s a secret from one copywriter to another: you can completely change your income potential once you start thinking like an entrepreneur and tweak your approach towards freelance copywriting.

Let’s look at a few avenues of freelance copywriting that can be your home-based side hustle you can start even while working full-time as I do:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Writing

Every organization wants its website or mobile-optimized site to rank higher in the search engines. The search engines are more likely to rank a website with original quality content. SEO copywriting should capture the search engine traffic to serve the potential customers, and at the same time, be SEO friendly. You can offer this service on freelance content writer job platforms to have some extra cash coming in.

2. Resumes and Cover Letter Writing

Resumes and Cover Letter WritingIt is a well-known fact that recruiters spend just 6 seconds to evaluate an individual’s resume. A job seeker needs to make those seconds count and grab eyeballs. Often job seekers tend to write lengthy resumes losing focus on important details.

A copywriter can leverage their skill to craft compelling resumes, highlighting the right skills of the job seeker in an engaging way, making a strong impact on the potential employer. They can turn into a professional resume writer and be a game-changer for many job seekers, who will happily pay for their writing services to land that dream job.

3. Blog Writing

Blogs are easy to use and an important marketing strategy tool to share thoughts, opinions, insights, and news. Blogs can be personal, niche-based, or business-oriented. In a personal blog, the copywriter has the freedom to choose the topic, tone, theme, approach, and direction. The stickiness of the content will bring in viewers and ultimately make it profitable. You could also work for a blog network or a company to blog about and for them as I do. Working for a digital marketing company like ClickDo Ltd. helped me learn about blogging and managing a range of blogs in various niches, where I act as a chief editor and also manage the guest posting services.

4. Event Marketing Collateral Writing

Collaterals at a business event, workshop, or conference help create a brand identity, weave a story for the brand, and support the business message. Collaterals such as brochures, leaflets, product catalogs add value to the delegates and help them take something tangible from the event. A killer copywriting for such collaterals is essential to reach the right audience and promote the business also online via email marketing for example.

5. Biography and Memoir Writing

Biographies and memoirs provide a closer look at an individual’s life and vision. Well written biographies and memoirs for a magazine, brochure, website, or even LinkedIn, have a high impact in influencing and inspiring people. Best-selling biographies or memoirs of celebrities, politicians, notable personalities, or even regular people with a compelling story have a chance of being turned into a movie, TV show, or web series.

6. Script Writing

Script Writing - Extra Income For WriterThis is a great time to be delving into scriptwriting, as it’s not just for feature-films anymore. Today a script can be written for short films, web series, YouTube videos, video games. If you have a passion for drama or digital storytelling and providing entertainment to an audience then you can start to promote your services online on sites like Craigslist, Glassdoor, Indeed, to mention a few. After you get a few projects assigned, you can build your own website to showcase these in your portfolio.

7. Annual Report Writing

Every public company is required to publish an annual report, incorporating all the important details without putting its reader to sleep. A freelance writer can provide their proficiency to simplify, but at the same time give the report a professional tone.

8. Writing eBooks

Publishing has become easier in the digital age, and eBooks are a great way to create a passive income stream. You could either work with an organization or self-publish. Organizations use eBooks as a marketing tool to entice customers to make a purchase. As a self-publisher, you have complete control over the topic, tone, marketing, and customer base. See my Kindle eBook here, in which I also explain in detail how to earn an income as a writer.

9. Specialist Writing

Over the last few years, technical or specialist writing has become an upcoming profession. Technical writing entails documenting software manuals, product details, help guides in a readable, user-friendly manner. Freelance copywriters have an opportunity here to upskill and discover a niche market such as medicine, law, or education. With distance and online learning becoming a common feature, you could be a subject matter expert to lead the academic curriculum design to meet the needs of students and teachers. Or you could write a niche blog about your own expertise like the money-saving expert did, which you can read more about in my article here.

10. Ghostwriting

You probably have a fair idea about ghostwriting and how it works. Ghostwriters are hired by people who are not good at writing and don’t have the time to invest in learning the craft. Ghostwriting takes the pressure off of marketing and promotion of the work and provides you the exposure in various niches such as books, columns, eBooks, blog posts, speeches, social media, white papers, and even song lyrics.

11. Business Plan and Business Proposal Writing

With everyone riding high on the start-up business wave, it is essential to have a kickass business proposal and business plan to instantly win an affirmative nod from the investors or a client. A writer can infuse life in the vision and mission of the entrepreneur and business with words.

Other forms of freelance writing are grant writing, speechwriting, press releases, media kits, PowerPoint presentations, translation, and transcription, so you’re left with so many options to explore and turn into money-making opportunities.

As a freelance content writer, it is important to find your niche and test and practice writing in multiple domains first before you identify your true writing talent and passion. Once you have an idea of what it is you love writing about, you should upskill and learn more about it, even go to the length of doing a course, which will improve your chances to become a professional in your chosen niche and command the right price.

Top 12 Blogger Content that went from Zero to Hero

Top 12 Blogger Content that went from Zero to Hero

We live in a digital era. Given the rapid advancement of Internet technology, the blogging platform has witnessed paramount success in the modern era. Whether it is a travel blog or a blogging post related to the fashion industry, education blogs, and so many more – there is a specific blog niche for every type of reader out there. While online visitors love reading informative blogs, there are instances of blogger articles that went from zero to hero.

The ultimate key to the success of a blogging post is its richness and informative trait. The readers should get some valid information after reading a high-quality blog post. Moreover, the blog should also be user-friendly and should aim at delivering a reliable solution to the problem or topic being addressed. In addition to educating the readers, the bloggers all around the world also aim at generating a lucrative revenue through their blogging platform or blogs online.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned blogger on the online portal if you are looking for lucrative ways to multiply your revenues & popularity, here are some of the top bloggers you should know about and check out for inspiration:

Top 12 blogger content

1. Trello

trelloTrello brings forth a flexible way of organizing multiple things with people all around –right from the lengthy email threads to complex spreadsheets, longer sticky notes, and unmanageable software units. For maximizing the overall experience of the users, Trello presents crystal-clear product descriptions on its portal. The copywriting technique employed at Trello is impressive and descriptive at the same time.

2. Nadav Dakner on Conversions & Sales

Nadav Dakner –a leading copywriter, presents his views on the topic “7 Psychological Triggers for Mind-blowing Conversions, Sales, & Growth.” The articles by this blogger revolve around the concept of psychology and copywriting effectively. The posts by Nadav are crisp and straightforward while delivering a potential solution right away.

3. Techcrunch

techcrunchSince its inception in 2005, the blogging platform has gained a huge momentum to become a leading name in the field of technical blogging. If you are on the lookout for excelling in the tech-savvy industry, it is high time that you read the frequent blog posts available on this portal. With the myriad of big-time tech-based investors and readers out there, the portal is filled with technology-focused blogs to help them grab the market.

4. Moosejaw

MoosejawTouching its products with a contemporary copywriting skill, Moosejaw is a leading outdoor apparel store online that grabs the attention of its readers through its informative blogs. The online store promotes its online products without being overtly forward about the same. The portal aims at targeting the emotions of the readers and end consumers to make the overall experience highly engaging.

5. UrbanDaddy

Urban DaddyThis blogging platform has garnered the interests of the consumers through its concept of open emails. Even when consumers tend to click on such emails, the results are not at all disappointing. Without the presence of long sentences or promotional phrases, the writers here are quite straight to the point. The overall structure of the emails also features a purposeful organization for the best outcomes.

6. Dooce

dooceHeather Armstrong –one of the highly influential personal bloggers has been writing for Dooce since 2001. Armstrong aims at targeting individuals going through a difficult phase in life –right from depression to anxiety, postnatal depression, family life, work-life, and so more. As such, readers are known to connect easily.

7. Articulate

ArticulateA leading HubSpot Agency Partner, Articulate, is a renowned marketing agency based in the United Kingdom. The website’s blogging section is quite famous for being filled with confident, witty copies of interesting blogs. The bloggers here aim at playing with the blog header to grab the attention of the end readers. The main objective of the site is to help out job seekers find the right job of their choice.

8. First Round Capital

First Round CapitalWhile copywriting effectively is all about making the readers content, it is also about ensuring that the content that they read is well-understood and interpreted. The bloggers at First Round Capital are known for doing a great job in letting the value of the respective offerings for the consumers sell themselves. The bloggers here allow the readers to let their guards down while understanding the brand and its community.

9. Velocity Partners

Velocity PartnersVelocity Partners is a leading B2B marketing agency based in London. The co-founder of the agency –Doug Kessler, aims at sharing his industry-specific views on SlideShares about the modern concept of digital marketing. In the modern world, wherein online readers tend to have a shorter span of attention, getting the message through right is the ultimate goal.

10. Intrepid Travel

intrepid-travelIf you are looking for something interesting in the travel niche, Intrepid Travel has got something for you. Delivering straightforward and functional travel-related blogs and articles, the online portal aims at achieving the intersection of something interesting & information at the same time. The famous travel agency is amazingly functional when it comes to professional copywriting.

11. R/GA

Rga-logoThis is a perfect instance of excellent social media blogging or copywriting. The company is famous for its witty, yet attractive Twitter blog posts and social media posts for drawing the attention of the target audience.

12. innocent

Innocentinnocent is a famous drink-making company based in the United Kingdom. The promotion content on the portal is all about interesting tone, style, and language. The style of its promotional content is known to match the product line effectively.

Are you looking to boost your business revenue & sales through blogging?

ClickDo is a leading online marketing agency that helps you with useful services and advice such as the money-making online guide. They have built their number of monthly visitors to around 5K on their portal. ClickDo features over 10K visits on a monthly basis through its highly informative and frequently-read blogging content. The online marketing and SEO experts share their knowledge and skills at SeekaHost University where you can take online courses about blogging, copywriting, and more.

Adopt the successful strategies utilized by bloggers around the world to deliver the right outcomes for your online portal.

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